About Us

We are Stephen and Gillian, we have a small family run kennel breeding Miniature Schnauzers and silver Poodles , we are passionate about what we do and strive to breed the best. We have had silver poodles for 30 years ever since we fell in love with a rescue silver poodle we named Dusty Bin .
Our love affair with Schnauzers started when we saw a beautiful Black Miniature Schnauzer whilst on holiday in Spain.
We returned to the UK and searched high and low for a Miniature Black Schnauzer unfortunately we were unable to get one.
We eventually settled for a pepper and salt dog who we named Tucker.
We decided to breed schnauzers and silver poodles in 2004 and have been breeding ever since. We are only a small family run kennel, with a limited amount of litters a year. We are members of the Kennel Club Assured Breeders Scheme and Council Approved meeting the very high standards required, so when you buy from us you have the assurance of buying a puppy that has been looked after and is in perfect health.

Our Aim

Our aim is to provide a superior service providing well breed puppies.

To breed according to the Kennel Club Accredited Breeder Schemes guidelines and recommendations.

To run our kennel in line with council recommendations as council approved breeders.

To produce miniature schnauzers and poodles that are as close to the breed standard as possible.

To ensure all recommended breed-specific health checks are performed on all breeding stock and puppies

To produce schnauzers and poodles with fantastic personalities, that will make great companions.

To provide new owners all the information needed when acquiring a new puppy.

To provide excellent after sales service and be available to new owners should they require any advice or assistance in bringing up and caring for their new puppy

To offer a re-homing service should the puppy require it at any time in it’s life